[Fredslist] Idea Department .... Halloweening in Greenwich Village the civilized way

Susan Spelman ss at spelmanstrategic.com
Wed Oct 31 13:22:58 EDT 2007

Gotham ...

I've lived down here for a long time and finally discovered a great  
way to get in the spirit, see the sights and avoid the madness.  Wear  
a costume or don't.  Doesn't matter.

There's a very neighborhood restaurant on Ninth Street just east of  
Sixth Avenue.  It's called Village.  Got a great bar, good food.   
Grab a burger or something more substantial.  Or just drink.

People will float in and out all night.

The weather's perfect.  No reservation needed.  Take the subway or  
the PATH (which is across the street).

I'll be there 7ish.  .... My cell phone's below.

Always a very fun time.


Susan Spelman

Spelman Strategic Communications

voice		212 475-3653
mobile	646 554-6828
fax 		212 475-6905

ss at spelmanstrategic.com

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