[Fredslist] Reminder About Gotham's Expert Witness Group

Gerald Goldhaber geraldgoldhaber at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 2 14:49:46 EDT 2007

Fellow Gothamites:  Just a reminder that I will need to know by next week if you plan to come to our FIRST MEETING of the new Gotham Expert Witness Group, open to anyone inside or outside Gotham who has or plans to testify or consult as an expert witness in litigation.  We already have ten members signed up for our initial luncheon on NOVEMBER 26 at 12:30pm at the fabulous Italian restaurant, Fabio Piccolo (230 E.44th between 2nd and 3rd ave.). This promises to be one of Gotham's most exciting groups not just for business networking but for a valuable exchange of workplace ideas guaranteed to help improve your professional life as an expert witness (i.e., contracting and fees, marketing, report writing, deposition and trial behavior, etc., etc.).  Please contact me via email or phone to let me know if you and/or your colleagues can attend.  Lunch is $40 and can be paid either online (using the Gotham website) or at the door.  Dr. Gerry Goldhaber (212) 379-6661-Office (917)
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