[Fredslist] Still searching for a furniture designer

Anthony Bellov anthonybellov at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 27 08:55:06 EDT 2007

My partner is still looking for a outstanding furniture designer who can 
work in the classical tradition - - primarily 18th/19th-Century styles and 
who has an established reputation, in order to collaborate on designing and 
producing an exclusive line.

Professionals interested should send some background info and links to 
resumé and portfolio to me and I will forward them along. Please, no follow 
ups. I will acknowledge each submission and my partner will respond as 

Thanks for all your assistance in this matter.

Anthony Bellov
Anthony Bellov Video Productions
AnthonyBellov at hotmail.com

Mortgage rates near historic lows. Refinance $200,000 loan for as low as 

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