[Fredslist] The Wired Family panel is this Tuesday, March 21

Jennifer T. Naylor naylorjt at optonline.net
Mon Mar 20 06:18:46 EST 2006

Our Wired Family panel is Tuesday March 21 at the Friar's Club. Please 
RSVP if you haven't already. It's a great lineup of speakers on a topic 
that is getting more and more attention.

To reiterate, this is a proposed forum on parenting in our wired world.

Our  panel features technology and security expert Raj Goel, Susan 
Pickman specializing in online fraud and Internet predations, and Dr. 
Andrea Gould, psychologist and family therapist plus Sgt. Dennis Lane of 
the NYPD Internet Crimes Unit.

Some of the topics our panelists will cover are:

1. the monitoring technology options including how to set permissions on 
popular portals like AOL

2. the sort of activities and scams kids might fall prey to including 
pornography, stalking, social engineering to get personal info, spyware 

3. why kids would be attracted to these activities, what kind of kids 
are at risk, what are the warning signs (if any) and how to talk to kids 
about the dangers without sounding patronizing.


Jennifer Naylor
Gotham Women's LI
e-mail: naylorjt at optonline.net
tel.: 516.656.3389

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