[Fredslist] FW: February 2006

Diane DiResta diane at diresta.com
Thu Feb 23 15:35:46 EST 2006





DiResta Communications, Inc.


Communicating with Impact


31 E32nd Street  Suite 300

New York, NY 10016  USA

212 481-8484 X312





Knockout Presentations-Amazon's best selling public speaking book



From: Diane DiResta [mailto:diane at diresta.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:01 AM
To: diane at diresta.com
Subject: February 2006





February 2006 














Dear Diane,

Diane DiResta works with organizations that want to communicate with greater
impact and with individuals who want to communicate more clearly 

in this issue



*  Become a Knockout Presenter 

*  What's New? 

*  Motivational Moment 

*  Fear of Speaking Cured By Diane DiResta 

*  The Power of One By Diane DiResta 

*  Media Tips 

What's New?


Congratulations to Carrie Bernstein who was the 2005 recipient of the
DiResta Communications Client Partner award. 

DiResta Communications, Inc. is now a certified woman-owned business with
the City of New York. 

I was recently interviewed by the NY Sun. To read the article click on the

ww.nysun.com%2Farticle%2F26388%3Faccess%3D736759> NY Sun article 

Motivational Moment


"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit."

Fear of Speaking Cured By Diane DiResta


It seems that fear is a theme this year. Last month we discussed
experiential avoidance of painful situations. Well, there is new research by
a psychologist Stuart Brody from the University of Paisley in Scotland. 

He proposes that having sex calms nerves before a speech. He studied 50 men
and women for two weeks as they recorded their "extra curricular"
activities. Blood pressure levels were then measured under stressful
conditions such as giving a speech. 

He discovered that the subjects who had sex were less stressed and had blood
pressure levels that returned to normal more quickly. People who abstained
from sex had the highest blood pressure response. 

Brody attributed the calming effect to the release of the hormone oxytocin.
As a consultant, I'm not advocating that you step into the conference room
for a quickie right before a speech. There are other ways that you can
achieve a calmer state of mind and change your physiology. 

Working out at the gym can have a calming effect as can deep breathing and
meditation right before a speech. Try pacing the halls right before your
presentation to burn off some of the energy. The most powerful way to reduce
nervousness is through the mind by creating anchors. 

We can show you how to do that. To learn more techniques for controlling
nervousness read chapter three of Knockout Presentations. 

iresta.com%2Fpublic-speaking-book.asp> Knockout Presentations 

The Power of One By Diane DiResta


Last month my laptop was stolen from my office. The entire floor was hit. If
it wasn't nailed down, they took it. While the burglary was stressful it
paled in comparison to the angst I felt in dealing with the local precinct. 

When I called the police a woman answered and told me I had to come in
person to file a complaint. No matter how much I argued she insisted that
was the policy. After I arrived I was told by someone else that I had to
call 911 and the police would come to my office to write a report. 

The next hurdle was getting a copy of the police report. Once again, I heard
the same response. "You have to come in." She told me I had to bring a $10
money order. No checks or cash would be accepted. Speaking to someone else
was futile as I was transferred and kept indefinitely on hold. 

So once again, I left my office to go to the police station. An officer told
me that I did not have to come in. He told me to mail the form and I was
exempt from a fee because it was a criminal report. It seemed that the woman
on the phone had only one song in her repertoire. 

It was as if they put a parrot on the phone and instead of "Polly want a
cracker" she said "You have to come in." If I had asked her where the
nearest McDonalds was she would probably have said "You have to come in." 

Not only was I frustrated but I wasted time going back and forth to the
station. The point of the story is that my impression of this precinct was
one of total incompetence. 

I changed my mind when I met the officer who communicated caring customer
service by listening and solving the problem. He immediately told the
supervisor about the problem on the phone. He didn't defend or justify the
poor service. 

This is the power of one. One person's communication can color the image of
an entire organization. It only takes one. What are you communicating when
you answer the phone? And what are the people in your company communicating
about you, management, and the 

image of the organization? It doesn't take a lot of time to ask a few
questions, listen, and find someone who knows the answer. The communication
of courtesy goes a long way. 

Media Tips



To attract media attention, tie your message to a current event. February is
Black History month, Valentine's Day and President's Day. And it's also the
time of the winter Olympics. By piggybacking on a current event you'll
increase your chances for a media interview. 

To learn how to develop message points for the media or your speech ask
about Exec-U-Lead coaching. 

iresta.com%2Fleaders.asp> Exec-U-Lead Coaching 

Become a Knockout Presenter


Discover your verbal power. Your success depends on how well you present
yourself, your message, and your value to the marketplace. Knockout
Presentations will show you how-easily and quickly! You'll be confident and
credible in no time. 

iresta.com%2Fpublic-speaking-book_sample.asp> Read a chapter 


Quick Links... 

ww.nysun.com%2Farticle%2F26388%3Faccess%3D736759> NY Sun article 

iresta.com%2Fpublic-speaking-book.asp> Knockout Presentations 

iresta.com%2Fassesstools.asp> Disc Personal Profile 

iresta.com%2Fleaders.asp> Exec-U-Lead Coaching 

Join our mailing list!



email:  <mailto:diane at diresta.com> diane at diresta.com 

phone: 212 481-8484 Ext. 312 

w.diresta.com> http://www.diresta.com 




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