[Fredslist] Hurricanes

GaryKorbel gekorbel at optonline.net
Mon Sep 26 06:30:17 EDT 2005


You are on to something Fred and there have been weak attempts by the
Government in the past to "seed" the storms with 2 goals: minimize their
growth and hopefully influence and/or redirect their movement away from
land. I believe the big issues with "seeding" are the fear of doing it to
close to land and what the fall out "toxic" or otherwise might be. Another
issue is if you imbalance the natural order of things do you create a
different set of environmental issues. Also, a smaller fear since this is
unknown territory was that could "seeding" have the reverse effect on the
storm "grow it rather than weaken it." (A large part of the North East, us,
has had very little rainfall "drought like" yet seeding clouds for more
moisture seems to be a "dead end" as well. )

A crazy , lunatic theory I heard on a talk show was that Russia "cold war"
time was actively trying this in the 50's to re-position and strengthen our
storms to cause the very havoc you see with the last two monsters. Sounds
far fetched to me but who knows?

I would have to believe now with the high cycle we are in according to Jim
Grey from Colorado University that the "seeding" topic will be again be a
discussion point in Meteorological circles, government and private. Just my
2 cents regards

Gary E. Korbel
(H) 516 333 9717
(C) 516 286 8793
gekorbel at optonline.net
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Klein" <fklein at legal.org>
To: <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 7:49 AM
Subject: [Fredslist] Hurricanes

> I am far from a scientist, but the notion hit me that with all our
scientific prowess-we did harness the atom-why can't scientists come up with
some sort of aggressive attack strategy as to hurricanes, rather than our
just hunkering down, retreating and surrendering to them. I remember when I
was a boy, during droughts, planes would "seed" the clouds. Why not some
similar effort at raising the low pressure or turning around the swirl?
Just wondering?
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