[Fredslist] A Stranger In A Strange Land

Barbara Davis davis at whitakerdavis.com
Sun May 29 16:58:15 EDT 2005

A Stranger In A Strange Land



Barbara Davis

Gotham Diversity Group


As far back as I can recall I've always been excited over the idea of being a player in actual courtroom procedures.  The closest I'd ever come to a courtroom before a few weeks ago was years ago when I was selected juror.  Even then, while I was still adrift in anticipation of some unfolding courtroom dramatics, the judge politely announced that the plaintiff had pleaded guilty.  He thanked the jury and sent us home.  So much for my courtroom experience - I would have to settle for Judges Judy, Brown and Mathis to get my courtroom fixes.  Then, a few weeks ago, I got a second chance through Gotham and Larry Lebowitz, a Partner at Klein, Zelman, Rothermel & Dichter, L.L.P.  Larry asked if I would read testimony during a trial.  It wasn't quite the exciting courtroom experience I had dreamed of, but it might prove interesting at the least.  So I agreed to do it.


Upon arriving at the courthouse, my first surprise was to find it was not the imposing, stately stone-columned building I envisioned it would be.  Rather, it was just an ordinary brick building surrounded by those ugly concrete barriers with which we've become familiar over the past few years.  Once inside, it was more like an airport with one security check point after another.  Several minutes and many security checkpoints later, I was finally on my way to the courtroom.  With anticipation soaring, I hesitatingly opened the door to Courtroom 110 only to be promptly pounced upon by more security, perhaps the Clerk of Court. As he blocked my passage, he sternly asked if he could help me.  This was the second surprise as it certainly wasn't the kind of welcome I had expected.  But before I had an opportunity to respond, Larry was there in a flash to my rescue.  


Moments later, the drama would begin to unfold, as I was about to grasp my real reason for being in this strange territory.  Larry introduced me to the court and announced that I'd be reading testimony of Mr..  Yes, I had to step into the role of a male, another strange experience in this strange land.  However, I quickly learned whether male or female, reading testimony could very easily be one of life's most boring moments.  It would take divine intervention to help uncover any tools of my trade as a professional speaker for bringing this activity to some level where I could actually engage the process.  As I commenced reading, I began searching for any kind of energy and passion that I could pour into my words.  Somehow I found it.  Suddenly, the script came alive!  Amidst the backdrop of this mundane courtroom setting, I'd found the key to making this a fun project.  Unexpectedly, the courtroom came alive also - now we had more than just some words spilling from a script.


The words of Mr. were barely off my lips when I was asked to return a second day as Ms., clearly a role with which I was more familiar.  I agreed to do so.  As I took the stand the second day as Ms., I thought, "Let the fun begin."  And, so it did.  I even got a "thumbs up" from one of the jurors when it was announced I'd be reading again.  Now, this was the kind of welcome I was looking for.  Moreover, I had found a lever that would enable me to have fun while holding all due respect and high esteem for the court.  And, it seemed good for everyone, all around.


During our initial conversation, Larry said if this works out, there may be other opportunities.  Well, seems it worked out just fine.$2.5 million-fine. Congratulations again, Larry!  And while I certainly do not seek them; who knows, there may be other opportunities.  If so, I'll no longer be a stranger in a strange land, that's for sure.  And working with Larry was an added bonus.  He is the quintessential legal professional.  Who knew there could be so much fun for this stranger in such a strange land?  Just goes to show when you're in Gotham, you never know where you might find yourself.



Barbara  A. Davis
Whitaker Davis Associates
100 Park Avenue, Suite 100
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 718/351-7142
Fax: 718/351/7271
davis at whitakerdavis.com

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