[Fredslist] Help Fighting Ticket

Alexandra Turboff aturboff at bcdevelopment.com
Wed Mar 9 13:36:24 EST 2005

I'm hoping that someone in Gotham knows how I can best address this


I received a notification of an unpaid NYC parking ticket in December
2003 for my car which had Texas license plates.  I requested a copy of
the ticket, since I had never received it and determined that I was not
even driving my car that night as I was at a company holiday party.
Since then I have been pursuing dismissal of the ticket through the City
of New York Department of Finance.  The process requires that the ticket
and the late fees be paid in full in order to pursue the appeal process,
so I had no choice but to pay.  I have submitted several written
requests for appeals (ie. submitting explanations as to why it could not
have been either me or my vehicle which was ticketed) and even had a
by-phone appeal, but they have been consistently rejected without


This is a matter of principal...why should the City of New York benefit
financially from me (or anyone else for that matter!) for a ticket which
I did not get?  I'm fairly confident that this is a case of the parking
officer needing to fill their quota of tickets for the month and
thinking that an out of state vehicle would be an easy target.  I am a
law abiding citizen and feel this is completely unjust since apparently
the current system is designed so that people just get tired of
fighting, give up and the City gets to keep the money.  I'm certain that
I'm not the only one who faces this situation.  


The only recourse that I believe I have at this point is to contact the
news agencies to see if press coverage of this dilemma affects any
result.  Help!!!!


Alexandra Turboff

Branded Concept Development

115 East 23rd Street

6th Floor

New York, NY 10010

Phone: (212) 260-5210

Fax:   (212) 260-5211




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