Donald Bernstein dbernstein at victorbernstein.com
Thu Aug 18 09:54:19 EDT 2005

    Last night, the first game of the softball playoffs, we faced the
Mezco Roaches, a team we played a few weeks ago and beat.  But this time
they had a different look.  It was the playoffs.  The Roaches, pests
that they were, wore fancy long black baseball pants, batting gloves and
even put black war paint under their eyes.  We were nervous and tight,
and they took a fast lead scoring three runs in the first inning.
    It didn't last long.  Our stiffness started to soften and slowly,
then quickly, we answered back.  We held them in the field and our
batters starting spanking the ball.  Their two pitchers gave us a hand
by walking so many of us that we trotted around the bases and scored a
handful of runs just on walks.  Still we slammed some, and Joe "Spider"
Sciabaca, out for a few weeks with an injury, returned and played a
maddening game with a DiMaggioesqe home run deep into left field.
    Slowly those Mezco insects started to fizzle like a cigarette in a
puddle.  Two great outfield catches, one by Ross Intelisano running
backwards up a hill and another charging underhanded catch in center by
Marissa Glass, helped put a stop to their dying offense.
    By the end of the fifth inning, the score was 17 to 3 (or something
close to that), and under the "mercy rule" the game was over and won.
    There is only one more game left to our miracle season.  The
Championship game.  It is this Monday night at 5:30 p.m. at Hechsher
field no. 2 in Central Park.  We are up against the only team that beat
us this year; the team that tied us for first place.  So it will be the
ultimate contest.  And it will be a night for revenge.
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