[Fredslist] DMD Mentor recruitment letter and application

David Stein david at automatic-mail.com
Mon Apr 25 13:47:24 EDT 2005

My Fellow Networker,

On behalf of the City of New York Mayor's Office for People with 
Disabilities, I invite you to take part in our annual event, "Disability 
Mentoring Day:  Career Development for the 21st Century" (DMD) by becoming 
a Workplace Mentor to a disabled student or job seeker.  The event will 
take place on Wednesday, October 19th, 2005.

Having a positive role model has allowed many of us to pursue our full 
potential instead of merely wishing we had done so.  Remember how you were 
influenced by that one special person who made a difference in your life, 
possibly not even realizing the impact he or she has had on you?  Now you 
have the opportunity to make that kind of difference by beginning a 
relationship with a person with a disability as a Workplace Mentor for a 
day.  The right mentor-mentee match can indeed make a difference in just 
one day.  To this worthwhile endeavor, you can bring your time, 
perspective, insight, and worldly experience.  Through your involvement, 
you can make your difference count.

As an employer or working professional, DMD is a great way for you to learn 
about the largely untapped resource of people with disabilities as 
potential employees and fellow contributors to society in general and your 
business, agency, or organization in particular.  Participation in DMD 
creates an incredible opportunity to recruit new talent and meet high 
school students, college or graduate students, and/or job seekers with 
disabilities who are interested in what you do.

While the official commitment for Workplace Mentors is only for one day, we 
encourage mentees and mentors to stay in touch after the day itself.  The 
exciting possibilities are all up to you!

For more information about how you can get involved, please contact Mkada 
Beach at: (212) 788-2830, or by email to: mbeach at cityhall.nyc.gov.

Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you very soon.

David Stein
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