[Fredslist] Maximizing Gotham Workshops! Find out why you SHOULDN'T miss them!

rosalia at gothamnetworking.com rosalia at gothamnetworking.com
Mon Mar 11 12:40:53 EDT 2024

Due to overwhelming demand, we held an additional Maximizing Gotham Workshop last week on March 7th.

We had around 20 people on screen, it was a nice mix of experienced members, new members and prospects looking to join. Nancy Schess ran the call with expertly timed precision! We even had time for everyone to introduce themselves. 

We covered Gotham’s overall structure including:

- Our key differentiators
- How to ride the circuit 
- Understanding the Non-Compete rules
- How and Why you should follow up after group meetings
- When and How to use our Listservs
- Ways to get involved and engage with the Gotham community
- How to use our website 
- Ways to make your profile work for you
- How to use your Group Leaders and Buddy as a resource

Guests asked questions and were engaged throughout. Our Webmaster, Mitch Tobol <https://www.gothamnetworking.com/MitchTobol> was there to give us a hands on, LIVE tour of the website -  I even learned something new!

This is such a Valuable Tool to share with those who are interested in joining the network, members who’ve joined recently AND even those who have been around a while!

It’s also an excellent opportunity to introduce people to our co-founders Nancy Schess <https://www.gothamnetworking.com/Nancy_Schess> & Fred Klein <https://www.gothamnetworking.com/Fred> and let them know how active and engaged they are and how available they make themselves to the network +beyond! 

We plan on hosting the next Maximizing Gotham Workshop on Thursday, June 20th at 12PM (save the date). If the need arises and we receive requests or an influx of new membership, we may add a date between now and then.

Please feel free to reach out if you want to attend the next one or think we should add more! Until then, Happy Networking!


Rosalia Ruberto
Administrative Director
Gotham Networking
rosalia at gothamnetworking.com <mailto:rosalia at gothamnetworking.com>

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