[Fredslist] Modern Day Superhero

Julie Klein julie2k at optonline.net
Tue Feb 20 10:30:51 EST 2024

Rona is a lifesaver. A colleague at work, who was struggling to raise her two daughters on a library clerk’s salary, and who works so hard and conscientiously, came to me a few months ago practically in tears. She was in a legal battle for child support from her ex-husband who was represented by counsel. She was unable to pay for an attorney. The magistrate adjourned the matter, suggesting to my colleague that she speak to an attorney about the case prior to the next trial date. That’s when she came to me. I immediately reached out to Fred who said that Rona is the attorney to call. So I did. Rona did not hesitate to help out my colleague. She took on the case, represented her before the magistrate, and won the trial! And my colleague is beyond grateful and relieved. Thank you Rona!
Sent from my iPhone

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