[Fredslist] That Friday Thing ...

Mon May 9 12:12:28 EDT 2022

I totally agree with Shelly. The Happy Hour has become a thing. Even if just to dop in for a quick "drink", in the virtual world of Zoom, it does not matter.
This last week, we got into a deep and emotional talk on the loss of an Ex Gotham member, David Stein. Raj, who was present at the funeral (and blogged on David this past Saturday) brought the reality of what could or could not have been done for David before his demise. Several on screen got into the psychology of it as well as offering suggestions. No matter what you thought of that sad day ( especially for those that knew David), everyone on screen was involved. We thought as a family unit. It was a magical evening.
You never know what happens at the Happy Hour. But for many of us, it is a way to end the week with our extended family.

Peace to all,

From: Fredslist <fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com> on behalf of Shelley Simpson, JD; Entrepreneur <simpson.shelley at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2022 10:23 AM
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Subject: [Fredslist] That Friday Thing ...

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When Fred asked me to send a shelleygram™️ about the Friday Happy Hour, I said yes because I too am a bit curious about why it has become an integral part of my week. I don’t speak for everyone who comes to Happy Hour, but I can speak for myself and what it looks like from my vantage point.

The Friday Happy Hour started when meetings moved to Zoom. Circuit riding got easy, Tuesday Covid updates became a thing. And now we are starting to have group meetings in person and the Covid updates are a thing of the past.

Throughout CoronaTimes, Gotham has grown, new groups have formed, events that we missed were added back into the schedule. Billiards, fishing trips, group walks and pizza crawls are now “a thing.”

OK, back to the Happy Hour … Initially, thanks to our event chair and entertainment guru Norman Spizz, weekly entertainment was a thing. Soon we discovered our “home grown” entertainment and our ability to make our own music and we create our own magic – we even have our own laugh track! Every week at 5pm, sometimes earlier, it starts. There is no format, there are no rules, everyone is welcome; join in and stay as long as you can. We have some “regulars” and some who attend from time to time.

Every week … no matter what, there is a Gotham Happy Hour. There’s certainty in that. And as humans, certainty is important, especially in uncertain times; we need it. We even have the same Zoom room!

Still, there is a human need for change, some unpredictability. On Friday there is no way to know what will happen. We never know where the conversation will go or what emotions will be evoked.

The pandemic challenged all of us - feelings of isolation and a disconnect were real. As we broke through the 4th wall, we created a 3D experience on our computers satisfying our need for connection, for closeness. Happy hour connected us as friends and offered an outlet to explore ideas and seek real answers to important questions. It is a place to feel seen and heard.

There were weeks of rollicking good fun and weeks charged with emotion. The opportunity to be silly or serious, to entertain or be entertained, to support or be supported, to talk or perhaps only listen … it’s all there … every week no matter what.  Each of us, plays significant role in what in the 70’s might have been called “A happening.”

So there you have it. Maybe happy hour isn’t your thing, it is mine. I’m grateful for the certainty, the surprises, the opportunity to learn something new or see something in a new way. I appreciate the safety, the place to be able to offer support and be supported in community. Most importantly, I value the deep connections that have developed and continue to grow not only for me but for all who choose to be part of this Happy Hour Thing. Perhaps we should call it the Maslow Hour since it does seem to meet some pretty basic needs that are not likely to go away any time soon.



Shelley Simpson, JD
Business & Franchise Development

Inspiring healthy living, conscious giving and sustainable growing globally!
     P.S. I appreciate you reading to the end - tell me how I can help you.

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