[Fredslist] Practical ways to insulate yourself against some of Putin’s cyber-retaliations

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Sun Feb 27 22:11:58 EST 2022

Dear Tribe: Please read the email cyber attack alert below by Psychiatrist Dr. Richard Carlton, a member of the Gotham NY Health & Longevity Group I co-chair. Some very wise advice here If Putin cyber-parallizes the USA. I experienced these  first-hand during 9/11 when NYC shut down for only four days. Since then, I always keep a three month supply of cash, prescription medication & food rations. You can also order portable four day lithium generators online. Only lithium powered portable generators can last four days.  Ask your super if you live in a condo, co-op or retnal.About $250. Stay safe. Kelly Welles, Co-chair & GC, Gotham NY Health & Longevity. You can meet Dr. Carlton at the March 23rd joint Zoom mtg. w/Gotham Green.
Practical ways to insulate yourself against some of Putin’s cyber-retaliations

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
February 26, 2022

From: Richard M. Carlton, MD   rcarltonmd at gmail.com

To: Friends who will take this in the spirit in which it is intended: I am a physician, not an economist or intelligence analyst. But I have an ability to spot trends, and over the years friends have appreciated it when I have shared my insights.

If the West massively shuts down Russia’s banking system and its ability to carry on with commerce (e.g. sales of gas and oil), Putin has PROMISED he will retaliate by unleashing cyberattacks on the West. We need therefore to envision what the major consequences could be to our daily lives, and to act AHEAD OF TIME to insulate ourselves as much as possible from those consequences.

If and when Putin’s cyberattacks effectively shut down our banking system, here are a few of the functions of that system, the loss of which can hit average people like you and me pretty hard:

1.    1. You won’t be able to use your credit cards, whether in stores or online (if you can even get online).

2.    2. You won’t be able to use your ATM card at ATM machines, and you might not be able to get cash from the tellers. You probably WILL be able to get cash from the tellers, but there might be long lines.


So here are some of the pre-emptive steps that you might want to take, right away, before this mushrooms out of control:

1.  1. Get a suitable amount of cash out of the bank. Maybe a month’s supply of cash, knowing that if you want to pay for groceries in the stores, and medications at the pharmacy, gas at the pump, and the like, THEY MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO PROCESS YOUR CREDIT CARD. Cash, or nothing. I am not talking about Armageddon, this is not MadMax breakdown of civilization. There is no need to run out and buy silver coins and ammo, nothing crazy like that. You may just need some “green” to tide you over.

2.   2. If you are taking medications on which your life depends, then you might want to go right away to get an extra month’s supply of those mission-critical meds. If insurance won’t pick up the cost of an extra month’s supply, ask your physician to write a one-off Rx with a note (in the field to the pharmacist) that says “patient will pay out of pocket”.

a.     OK, so what are some of the meds where not being able to get them for a month could endanger your life? Prescription blood thinners (Eliquis, Xarelto, etc); chemotherapy meds; blood pressure and other heart meds; meds for neurological conditions (like MS); and the like.

b.    Then, if you can afford it, get an extra month’s supply of meds that, although not life-saving, nevertheless are crucial for avoiding significant pain and disability, such as your meds for arthritis, migraines, gastritis, and the like. Do you take baby aspirin to prevent clotting? Make sure you have an extra month’s supply.

3.    3. Next comes some items that are geared more to avoiding disruption and inconvenience:

a.     Top off your gas tank

b.    Do you have a generator for power failures? If so, stock up on some additional supplies of gas or LNP, because the power grid will be a prime target for cyberattacks.

c.     Buy non-perishables, like canned food (sardines), pastas, tomato sauce, canned and jarred soups, and the like. Baby food. Diapers. This is not “hysteria”, I’m not talking about a year’s supply. Rather, just a supply for a few weeks, to get you through the crisis if there is one.

I hope these steps will never be needed. But better to be safe than sorry.Feel free to pass this along to friends and relatives. Feel free to post this on any online networks of which you’re a member. Especially, think if there are any  older neighbors who could benefit from thinking this through. I just called an older neighbor (even older than I am, LOL) to share this information, and she was very appreciative.


Kelly Welles, LUTCFSpecializing in Asset Protection & Longevity Planning for 25 Years.Co-chair & GC, Gotham NY Health & Longevity2006 Gotham Networker of the Year

Kelly with Arianna Huffington, CEOof Thrive Global & Author of Thrive,at Bloomberg Communications booklaunch.

Kelly Welles, President        
Trusted Advisor toAttorneys and Accountants 
Specializing inInsurance and Benefits
Cell   917-626-8590 Fax 646-518-1889




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