[Fredslist] Discover The Secret to Relationships that Thrive. Zoom w/NYHealth, Wed. May 4th, 12:20 to 2 PM. RSVP.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Wed Apr 27 08:02:58 EDT 2022

Please RSVP by Mon... noon 05/02. Attendance limited. One link will be sent to NY Health attendees Monday after 6 PM. Meeting will be May 4th, 12:20 to 2:00 PM. Friends & Circuit Riders welcome!

Greetings Tribal Members & Friends, 
Please join me to hear from best-selling author, brain optimization expert and Gotham member Paula Oleska.

"Successful relationships are an art, whether they are romantic relationships, friendships or work relationships. Relationships have been strained by the pandemic so people may benefit from a few new insights to make them better. This presentation/workshop will reveal Three Secrets to Relationships that Thrive:
   - Does lack of fighting make it a good relationship?
   - The key component of effective communication.
   - The overlooked factor I call “The Relationship Glue”.

Paula Oleska is Mindset Maverick, thought leader and a best-selling author. She’s been in private practice for over thirty years, and helped over eight thousand people achieve never-imagined personal and business improvement in five different countries. She is currently training practitioners in the Radical Rapid Results™ method.
So why attend the next meeting of NY Health & Longevity? Not only does NY Health draw on leaders and pioneers in their respective fields for dramatically improved sustainable health, but no group more vigorously explores such burning health challenges as preventing and reversing cognitive impairment, cancer & aging, 

Members include attorneys, MDs, best-selling authors, a psychotherapist & certified music therapist, health entrepreneurs, radio talk show hosts, event producers and diverse advisers including specialists in age-prevention, stress reduction, brain & health optimization, cancer prevention, immune health, pet healing, ancient healing and financial well-being.
Remaining NY Health Meeting Dates:  June 8; August 3rd Rooftop Sunset Cocktails at Maison Beljanski,  Sept. 22; Oct. 26; Dec. 7

Guests AND Circuit Riders are warmly welcome. Invite your friends!

We will start with a brief guided calming and centering meditation by NY Health's Psychotherapist andveteran yoga instructor Janet Sullivan. . Many Fortune 500 companies utilize similar mindfulness technology for increased productivity and stress reduction.

If you are riding the circuit and plan to attend, please let us know.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday May 4th at 12:20.

Please note that our next meeting will be Wed. June 8th, 12:20 to 2 PM…… mark your calendar!

To Your Health & Longevity!"Aging is inevitable. Getting old is an option."
Kelly Welles, LUTCFServing Asset Protection and Longevity Planning for 25 Years.Co-chair & GC, Gotham NY Health & Longevity2006 Gotham Networker of the Year

Kelly with Arianna Huffington, CEOof Thrive Global & Author of Thrive,at Bloomberg Communications booklaunch.

Kelly Welles, President        
Trusted Advisor toAttorneys and Accountants 
Specializing inInsurance and Benefits
Cell   917-626-8590 Fax 646-518-1889




Business & Personal Financial Strategies

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