[Fredslist] And so it has been going ...

Odey Raviv dr.odeyraviv at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 15:24:15 EDT 2021

Shelley and Gotham,
I agree that Shelley has the knack of letting everyone know what is going
on in the Gotham World in her fabulous style.
Looking forward to seeing how we move forward better after the "strange" 18

On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 2:31 PM Kelly Welles <
kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com> wrote:

> Shelley and Tribe,
> Thanks for the progress report! If one was lucky enough to be or become a
> Gotham member during the pandemic, then the pandemic became a blur as the
> fun-loving, life-loving tribal spirit provided a shot in the arm with every
> encounter, reminded us we were never out of friends, warmth, kindness and
> fun AND gave us a place to turn to solve problems - our own and others.
> For this reason and so many others, I propose an Annual Thank Gotham Day
> or Week running up to Thanksgiving. We do that anyway but why not formalize
> our annual shout-outs of success stories
> and acknowledgements of what makes Gotham so special and so very different from
> all other networking groups. Just a thought.
> Hats off to Shelley & to Gotham 🎩🎩🎩
> Kelly Welles, LUTCF
> Specializing in Asset Protection & Longevity Planning for 25 Years
> Co-chair & GC, Gotham NY Health &
> Longevity
> 2006 Gotham Networker of the Year
> *Kelly Welles, President          *
> *wellesfinancialservices.com <http://wellesfinancialservices.com/>*
> *Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Accountants *
> *Specializing in Insurance and Benefits*
> *Cell   **917-626-8590*
> *www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-welles
> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-welles>*
> *________________________*
> Business & Personal Financial Strategies
> On Monday, October 11, 2021, 6:11 PM, Paula Oleska <paula at brainupgrade.biz>
> wrote:
> Shelley is the best at conveying the essence of Gotham meetings. This is a
> brilliant Shelleygram! I look forward to more virtual meeting and in person
> meetings and more Happy Hours (which you all should visit!)
> To your health, Shelley, Fred and Gotham!
> Paula
> Paula Oleska, President and CEO
> Natural Intelligence Systems, Inc.
> 646 554 3461
> www.BrainUpgrade.biz <http://www.brainupgrade.biz/>
> https://www.NaturalIntelligenceSystems.com/
> <https://www.naturalintelligencesystems.com/>
> https://business.facebook.com/BrainUpgradeSystem/
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulaoleska/
> *From:* Fredslist <fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com> *On Behalf Of *Shelley
> Simpson, Esq
> *Sent:* Monday, October 11, 2021 2:56 PM
> *To:* fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
> *Subject:* [Fredslist] And so it has been going ...
> Almost two years ago we Gothamites embarked on an uncertain journey fueled
> with a burning desire to keep our community together and help each other
> navigate through CoronaTimes.
> First step – move our meetings from rooms to zooms. Not everyone liked
> that plan. Soon “zoom fatigue” replaced complaints about commuting. And yet
> we kept moving forward.
> As we start to come out on the other side of the pandemic, this chronicler
> has made some observations.
> Obstacles gave rise to opportunity. We have seen our community grow as new
> members joined and former members have returned.
> Uncertainty in the workplace and elsewhere?  Offer Tuesday COVID updates
> which evolved into Business Seminars.
> Concern over how to build our businesses while in lockdown? More meetings,
> more promos, more opportunities to ride the circuit, and virtual 1-1s.
> Bring a Guest Days offered an opportunity to bring new faces to the screen.
> New groups were formed to take advantage of the age of virtual networking.
> Our need to laugh and play? Offer Zoom entertainment - Karaoke, magic,
> musicians, comics, all made their way to our screens.  The Battle of the
> bands went virtual and International. We learned that Gotham has talent
> albeit at varying degrees.
> Happy hours that were occasional became weekly gatherings where we learned
> that some of us tell jokes and some tell jokes that are actually funny.
> And some of us are natural laugh tracks.
> Last month we ventured off zoom and returned to in-person, full-body,
> gatherings for the Yankee-Mets Game, our annual picnic and the Bob Formica
> Golf Outing.
> As quickly as we moved to virtual reality, our reality became virtually as
> though no time had passed.
> After 2 years looking at disembodied faces in boxes, many of us met in
> person for the first time with some surprises. Some of us are taller, some
> not so tall. Some wear silly shorts. Some are more shy in person, some more
> outgoing. We all like to eat, and laugh and enjoy being together.
> Voices have greater resonance in person, smiles are warmer, conversation
> is easier.  We enjoy fist and elbow bumps and even some hugs. Gathering
> live and in-person is the best!
> We have come a long way together on this crazy journey. And it is not
> quite over yet.
> Gotham being what it is … protean in nature … isn’t going backward. We
> will, no doubt, move into the next stage keeping the old and new tools in
> our Gotham toolbox and adding more as we go.
> So stay tuned – there have been silver linings along the way and the best
> is yet to come.
> shelleygram™️
> Be Well!
> *Shelley Simpson, JD*
> *Business Development & Success Partner *
> 646-549-7217
> Inspiring healthy living, conscious giving and sustainable growing
> globally!
>  *P.S. There is a simple and convenient way to reduce systemic
> inflammation and positively impact your overall health …*
> *Shelley Simpson, JD*
> *Business Development & Success Partner *
> 646-549-7217
> Inspiring healthy living, conscious giving and sustainable growing
> globally!
> _______________________________________________
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*Odey Raviv, Ph.D.*
Collegiate Academic Coach
Learning, Executive Functioning, Motivation
SAT, ACT Test Prep for Students with Testing Modifications
Offices in Manhattan and Glen Cove
FaceTime and Skype Sessions
dr.odeyraviv at gmail.com
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