Odey Raviv dr.odeyraviv at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 19:33:28 EST 2021

Dear Gotham,

Today’s special event was moving, unique, and rewarding . I missed seeing Esther at a few in person Gotham events. Zoom can be a silver lining.

Esther exceeded all the hype. And, Fred is never short on that.

Definitely feel very lucky and blessed to hear hear “almost live and in person.” She is a gift and her message must live on.
Be willing to forgive and live your life looking for the best in people.
Fortunately, the event was recorded by Gotham. What a fabulous teaching tool for posterity.
Esther, 91, and maintaining a  positive attitude despite the tragedy of living through German occupation, Auschwitz, and being on her own from 15 is amazing.
The way she lives her life is a lesson for all of us!

Stay well Esther and Gothamites,

> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 28, 2021, at 6:17 PM, Ch

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