[Fredslist] Yoo Hoo! Government... are you there?

MStern@aimresourcegroup.com mstern at aimresourcegroup.com
Fri Feb 12 08:38:42 EST 2021

Shelley is an amazing “chronicler” as she calls herself. But I think she is much more than that. Her writing not only distills what has been said, but puts a delicious flavor into the mix.
Shelley, well said, as usual!
Corey is a special person who helps so many with unparalleled graciousness and generosity.
If you don’t already know Corey and his ability to create magic, do yourself a favor and connect with him.
With warm regards for a wonderful day,

Mindy Stern, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
President| AIM Resource Group LLC


From: Fredslist <fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com> On Behalf Of Shelley Simpson, Esq
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2021 6:39 AM
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: [Fredslist] Yoo Hoo! Government... are you there?

Have you ever experienced that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when realize that you have to deal with a government agency? Have you ever found yourself fantasizing retribution of biblical proportions because you were being ignored while trying to resolve an issue with a utility company or city service? “Who is on my side?” you ask, “Who can help me figure out where to go or who’s in charge?”
Yesterday at the Gotham Business Seminar, the speaker was Corey Bearak. In Gotham Corey is the ubiquitous curator of our Fredslist, Gotham Promo, and other listserv; he is the Chair of Brooklyn Power Breakfast, Co-Chair of Gotham Green; and he is a prolific circuit rider lending support and bringing value all along the way.
The author of “The Public Ought to Know,” Corey puts his decades of experience in government to work for trade unions and groups, for businesses, agencies, public officials, candidates, and most importantly for us. His experience includes advising political candidates, consulting on and coordinating campaigns of all kinds, drafting legislation, lobbying to have legislation enacted – Corey has “lived" government from the inside out and back in again.
So whether it’s an error in your utility bill, access to benefits, service cuts, or anything where government is or should be involved, Corey knows how to get things done. “It’s fun to fight City Hall,” he said as he described the things government should and could be doing if put to the task. And if an issue involves government, elected officials can often help if the right person asks. It’s their job!  But they have to be made aware and Corey is the one who can help us make them aware.
According to Fred Klein (Klein Zelman Rothermel and Schess) Corey is a “magician.” And from the stories that were shared, Fred has tasked Corey with the most interesting problems. Listening to Corey talk about what he does and hearing him share stories to illustrate how government can and should work, it was imminently clear that he is committed to making sure that people are heard and that government works in a way that ensures the best interest of the public is served.
As someone who has both worked for, and been frustrated by government, this chronicler is grateful to have someone as talented and passionate as Corey Bearak in our community.
Thank you Nancy Schess (Klein Zelman Rothermel and Schess) for establishing the Gotham Business Seminar Series and inviting Corey to be a speaker. Thank you Raj Goel (Brainlink International Inc) for sponsoring the series.
So whether it’s something you need from government or something your client needs, know that Corey– a true servant leader- is a resource I for one am grateful to have.
You can learn more about Corey and the work he does at http://strategicpublicpolicy.com/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__strategicpublicpolicy.com_&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=iBs04zhIcBGaMBZouLCOLPPt3jYjMJgP7BS5OfvZU34&m=wbUe5j7mdtA9HvQjQy50czEM8IPwbYcmw-n8ygNTUgc&s=HvRrEBj2zS7nAEwA6MlWfAzMFM-xI6O7DtDqhyFR9aY&e=> or follow Corey on Twitter http://twitter.com/Bearak<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__twitter.com_Bearak&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=iBs04zhIcBGaMBZouLCOLPPt3jYjMJgP7BS5OfvZU34&m=wbUe5j7mdtA9HvQjQy50czEM8IPwbYcmw-n8ygNTUgc&s=ELi0JZxWmQtQrcLyb0ZE7-qkea0n7TWRMAXH-RW7MUg&e=> You can also connect with him on Linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/in/CoreyBearak<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.linkedin.com_in_CoreyBearak&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=iBs04zhIcBGaMBZouLCOLPPt3jYjMJgP7BS5OfvZU34&m=wbUe5j7mdtA9HvQjQy50czEM8IPwbYcmw-n8ygNTUgc&s=F516GYQzRX-vggRcGU38zr-aZsHKacMOpH3UbunaSj0&e=>

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Shelley Simpson, JD/Entrepreneur
Business & Personal Development Partner

More than a Business ~ It’s a Mission!

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