[Fredslist] On EYES and AYES!

Paula Oleska paula at brainupgrade.biz
Tue Dec 21 10:42:48 EST 2021

YES, Shelley! The Happy Hours are everything that Shelley said in her brilliant Shelleygram. If you are looking for a place where you can roll your eyes with impunity, come and join us! So many opportunities to do so 😊 😊 😊


It’s also a good training for having your voice heard when everyone talks at the same time – a must for public speakers!


And of course a good place to let your hair down or comment on having “all of your hair cut”.


Come and join the fun!


Paula “#2 Laugher” Oleska




Paula Oleska, President and CEO

Natural Intelligence Systems, Inc.

646 554 3461




Blending magic and science to achieve

Radical Rapid Results™





From: Fredslist On Behalf Of Shelley Simpson, Esq
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2021 8:32 AM
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: [Fredslist] On EYES and AYES!


The ayes have it! Happy hour has become part of our Gotham culture. We are determined to keep going, to be nimble and resilient and meet needs wherever we see them. And so YES, there will be Happy Hour this week and next.

Perhaps the one thing we all can never have enough of is fun. And Friday happy hour is about FUN. It’s about seeing an opening to crack foxy, see your way clear to laugh at something silly or just roll your EYES. 

Last week at Happy Hour, the topic turned to EYES. First it was Fred’s granddaughter’s Lasik procedure. And the way things tend to go, the conversation turned to songs about EYES. Reliable Ray Walcott pulled a video of Ray Charles singing. Soon we were all sharing songs with “EYES" in the title. 

Leave it to our music archivist/aficionado Corey Bearak to supply a playlist  http://coreybearak.com/links/files/The_Eyes_Have_It.pdf 

Two of my faves from the list are are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfmkgQRmmeE Van Morrison and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGT0P0XJRFM CSN


Seeing a need and finding a way to fill it is a characteristic of the Gotham community. And it has never been more important than during the pandemic. As a community we have kept our EYES on each other and found ways to say YES to staying the course - building business, building relationships and doing good.

There was a need to meet new people - Bring a Guest Days began. We wanted more meetings? No problem! A need to be updated on all things COVID, we had Tuesday briefings. Continuing education? No problem we started having business seminars. 

With an EYE toward making it easier for us to meet in small groups or pairs, breakout rooms and virtual one-ones were added to the calendar.

We made the Battle of the Bands an international event. As our EYES turned to more social activities, wine tastings, a Beatles Tour, speakers and more, appeared on the calendar. 

Music, magic and musing have been integral to our success in 2021. 

With an EYE towards giving, the Gotham Foundation drew our attention. We saw an opportunity to give and have fun in the process. All EYES were on the prize at our Holiday party as the winners were given checks for their favorite not-for-profits.  Kudos to all who said, “aye” and added to the Season of Giving Effort.

There are plenty of new things coming in 2022, so keep your EYES open and don’t forget, if you are available, join us on Friday at 5pm for Happy Hour. 




Be Well! 



Shelley Simpson, JD

Business Development & Success Partner 


Inspiring healthy living, conscious giving and sustainable growing globally!     

      P.S. There is a simple and convenient way to support a healthy immune system …





Shelley Simpson, JD

Business Development & Success Partner 


Inspiring healthy living, conscious giving and sustainable growing globally!



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