[Fredslist] Towers ZOOM!'s again next Tuesday, 9/15!

Steven Lefkowitz slefkowitz01 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 14:10:07 EDT 2020

Sorry...zoom link changed to:

Join Gotham Towers Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 3681 7655
Passcode: 954739

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 9, 2020, at 6:40 PM, Steven Lefkowitz <slefkowitz01 at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Good evening Gotham Family-
>> I truly hope the end of your summer was enjoyable.  So hard to believe we are already in mid-Setpember but that means its time to ZOOM! with Towers on Tuesday, 9/15 at **8:30am**
>> Here are the details: Join Zoom Meeting 
>> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81856313788?pwd=QzVkYkdmNVFDWTh1TGt5ejRjSkx1QT09
>> Meeting ID: 818 5631 3788 
>> Passcode: 339410 
>> Please book online (https://www.gothamnetworking.com/m/events/view/Towers-Meeting-2019-12-29-4 ) or respond ASAP online so we can have a headcount
>> Please forward this invitation to any other possible Guests or circuit riders who might be interested.  Great news is the meeting is FREE!  Guests can book here:  https://www.gothamnetworking.com/m/events/view/Towers-Meeting-2019-12-29-2  -- PLEASE let me know of any guests coming so I can keep a log.
>> Guests can learn more about Gotham Networking Inc. go to https://www.gothamnetworking.com Guests and Circuit Riders can look at the website, to see who will be present at meetings, and you definitely want to be seen!
>> Let me know if you have any questions or needs.  Looking forward to seeing you a week fromTuesday AND don't forget to log onto the website and "let them know you'll be there!"  In the immortal words of, now member, Steve Lichtenstein "Visibility Leads to Profitability!” 
>> Looking forward to seeing you THERE!
>> Steven Lefkowitz
>> Branch Manager
>> Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
>> 917-535-8196
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