[Fredslist] How to grab the best from Gotham ...

Shelley Simpson, Esq simpson.shelley at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 12:01:47 EDT 2020

On my gratitude pumpkin this week I am putting Mitch Tobol’s name! Mitch, was the guest speaker at the Gotham Power/Gotham Business Breakfast this morning and I have pages of notes! So many helpful tips and such a generous spirit. Thank you Mitch for your time and for the valuable information you shared on how to use social media to better help those we serve by growing our businesses. 

Thank you Corey for partnering with me, for grabbing a screen shot and for bringing your guest, Safie Russell. Thank you Stephanie Shalofsky (The Organizing Zone) for bringing Craig Fisher. Mike Steger, thank you for bringing the Westchester crew into the mix. 

It is a joy and privilege to facilitate Gotham meetings so thank you all for the opportunity to choreograph this one - I hope was a meaningful Gotham experience. And remember … the fun is in the follow up. 

Hope to see you all at the next meeting on November 18th @8:30am and don’t forget the Bring a Friend meeting on November 19th at Noon. 

The best way to grab the best from Gotham - ride the circuit to meetings, happy hours, and events; bring guests and tap into the generous experts in our midst like Mitch Tobol. 

Be Well! 

Shelley Simpson, Esq
Business & Personal Development Partner

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