[Fredslist] Keeping each of you in my thoughts ...

Shelley Simpson, Esq simpson.shelley at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 15:14:57 EDT 2020

I received this from a dear friend and thought I would share it with you ...
How are you doing?

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” ― Fred Rogers

1987 Black Monday, 2000 Dot-Com Crash, 9-11, Financial Crisis of 2008 and now, Covid-19.
In the past 33 years, these events impacted the world, our country, our businesses, our families and each of us, individually.  What we learned from these events is that life continues moving forward and eventually a new normal emerges.  As we all grapple with the current and potential impacts of Covid-19, perhaps some perspective would help.
There’s a lot of “noise” right now – continual news coverage, hourly updates, new CDC statistics – and it’s creating overwhelm.  We suggest taking a moment to examine the difference between react vs. respond; and then reflect how you can influence those around you.  Reacting is…well, reactive.  It’s a stimulus response without much – if any – thought.  Responding is loftier; it involves a rational, thoughtful process to take appropriate action.  When you consider the Fusion perspective of Body, Mind, and Spirit, how you respond will expand.  We know we need to nourish and exercise our bodies. Certainly, our minds have a lot of thoughts.  Yet the spirit connects us; it’s the intent that drives the compassion and care we demonstrate to others.
Breathe!  We don’t know how long this will last and what comes next but remaining calm will help to maintain perspective.  Take care of your health, keep in touch with family and friends, watch a funny movie, go for a walk (practice social distancing), watch enough news to stay informed then turn it off.  Calm and care.
At Home
Tell your Spring Breakers to take this seriously.  If you have kids at home, take time to teach them life skills.  Do they know how to scramble eggs, sew on a button, check the oil in the car and do laundry?  Perhaps this time at home is a gift… embrace this opportunity to bring your family together, put the devices down and really connect with one another.  Do an art project together, take a long walk, plan and cook a meal.  Connect and communicate.
At Work
Everyone has the opportunity to be a leader.  Ask your colleagues how they’re doing….and listen.  Contact your clients regularly; find out what they need and how can you serve them.  Serve and support at work.
Check on your neighbors.  If you’re able, donate to help others struggling to make ends meet.  Small acts of kindness make a huge difference.  Don’t forget animals and plants.  Find out if your local animal shelter needs volunteers to play with the dogs and cats.  Plant seeds in a garden or in a pot on your windowsill.  Create beauty for others to enjoy. Serve and support the community.
Look for ways to serve.  It may be as simple as asking someone “How you doin’?” then creating the space to listen.  Things may feel scary now, but let’s be the helpers.  Together, we will emerge stronger and more resilient.

Shelley Simpson, Esq
Business & Personal Development Partner

Join the Movement - Take Healthy Back Forever ... 

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