[Fredslist] Circuit Riders: Lunch & Learn: “How to Maximize Gotham" with NY Health, 11th, 12:30-2 PM. RSVP.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Thu Mar 5 12:54:28 EST 2020

Please RSVP by Monday noon, March 9th. 

Dear NY Tribe and Friends:

Please join me March 11th for this NY Health & Longevity luncheon and learn “How to Maximize your Gotham Membership”:  
Mitch Tobol, Gotham’s Managing Partner of CGT Marketing, Gotham Webmaster Tribal Circuit Member Webmaster and Social Media Strategist, will share ways you can maximize your Gotham Membership with Gotham’s robust website.Attendees will learn:
1. How to understand  and become familiar with the Gotham website; 2. How to use Fredslist to your advantage;3. How to raise your visibility within the Gotham network;
Discover marketing tools and learn how to navigate Gotham’s member data base, find other members, advertise and access Gotham’s LinkedIn and FaceBook pages and more.

When:  Wed. March 11th,12:30 to 2 PM. Please RSVP by Monday noon, March 9th. Where: 40 West 45th Street.
Remaining Meeting Dates: May 6, June 10, July 15th Rooftop Cocktails at Maison Beljanski, Sept. 26, Oct. 28, Dec. 9th.

Members include attorneys, MDs, authors, a psychotherapist, health entrepreneurs, radio talk show hosts and diverse health advisers in age-prevention, stress reduction, brain & health optimization and pet healing.
Guests are welcome. Remember, we are a non-compete group. Please call me to clear potential conflicts.  Reminder: Circuit Riders & guests: Please pay online below. All attendees are warmly welcome! 
Members please RSVP and check Action Box in the NY Health web portal. We've made sign-up easy. Circuit Riders and Friends, go to:
Pay Link for guests onl
Gotham City Networking Inc. - Gotham NY Health & Longevity   

Kelly Welles, LUTCFServing Asset Protection and Longevity Planning for 25 Years..Co-chair & GC, Gotham NY Health & Longevity

Kelly Welles, President         
Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Accountants 
Specializing in Insurance and Benefits
Cell   917-626-8590 Fax 646-518-1889
Business & Personal Financial Strategies

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