[Fredslist] Hubspot Expert Needed - CRM implementation

Judie Judie at promotionalsolutions.biz
Fri Apr 13 12:26:19 EDT 2018

Hello, Gotham,
We are looking to implement HUBSPOT CRM within our company.  it has been a 
bit of a chore and we are looking for someone who may know the ins and outs 
of integration, navigation, use/functionality, integration and launch.  We 
have just upgraded companywide email to Microsoft 365.  

We don't believe the set up of a CRM should be such a chore, we must be 
missing something so simple that is putting a wrench in our progress.  Any 
insight would be amazing.

Thanks so much in advance.
have a fabulous weekend.  

Judie Moceri

Promotional Solutions Int'l


"Your One Stop Promotion Source"

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