[Fredslist] Who ya gonna call? Gotham!

Douglas Wasser doug at wassruss.com
Mon May 1 11:24:34 EDT 2017

Thanks, Gotham !!!!

Here's a good story:   A NYC client approached me last week who was buying a multi-family house in Gulfport Fla, near St. Pete.  She wanted me to help her.  I couldn't help...but Gotham could!

I connected with Corey Bearak who put me in touch with Richard Gaines, the principal of the Gaines Law Firm, and co-chair of Gotham's own South Florida group.  Richard's base of operations is on other side of the State, some 3.5 hours from Gulfport, but he nonetheless knew someone who was local.  My client connected with Richard's recommendation and she was thrilled with the referral.  A connection and client made,  and good things for everyone all around!

Thanks Richard, Corey  and Gotham!

                              Best -doug

douglas f. wasser, esq.
doug at wassruss.com<mailto:doug at wassruss.com>

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wasser & russ, llp
attorneys at law
80 maiden lane  l  suite 1502  l  ny ny 10038
tel: 212.430.6040  l  fax: 212.430.6041
cell: 516.761.5226


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