[Fredslist] Thank YOU Gotham!

Raj Goel raj at brainlink.com
Tue Mar 28 08:59:38 EDT 2017

As we celebrate our 20th year tonight, I am reminded how GRATEFUL I am that Gotham has been a HUGE part of my life and my family's life for the past 12+ years.



Rajesh Goel, CISSP
cell (917) 685-7731
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc.
You run your business, and leave the IT to us.
SOP Maven | TV Personality | Gothamite | Friar | Nerd
Gotham Networker Of the Year 2015-2016
raj at brainlink.com<mailto:raj at brainlink.com>
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Rajgoel_NY
SKYPE: brainlink-raj
Unplugged<http://www.rajgoel.com/new-book/> |Secrets<http://www.rajgoel.com/book/> | TV<https://www.brainlink.com/tv/> | Whitepapers<https://www.brainlink.com/category/white-paper/>

From: Raj Goel
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2015 12:38 AM
To: Gotham Networking (fredslist at gothamnetworking.com) <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Subject: Thank YOU Gotham!

Dear Gotham,

                I am humbled, and honored to be chosen as the new Networker Of The Year!

                On Tuesday night, I was stunned...and rendered speechless, because I really did NOT expect to win.

                All day Wednesday and Thursday, I pondered, what does this award actually mean?  Yes, it's glass and steel, but underneath that, there's a ferocious beating heart called GOTHAM.

I have been a member of Gotham since May 2005 (soon to be 11 years!) and if you'll indulge me for a few minutes, I'd like to share with you the HUGE IMPACT Gotham has had on my life, my family, business and in helping me mature as a human being.

THANK YOU DAVID STEIN for being my 1st friend and mentor in Gotham.  David taught me how to relax in public, have fun with people and introduced me to countless people.  Over the years, David and his lovely wife Helene have advised us on how to navigate the NYC Dept Of Education's bureaucracy as we deal with our special needs child.
David is also the reason I became a  friar.

THANK YOU STEVE LICHTENSTEIN for being my 2nd mentor, and you remain still my guru of networking.  Everything I know about networking successfully, I learned from Steve.  All the mistakes I made are my own.
To this day, where I see doors and obstacles, David & Steve see doors.  They have kicked down more barriers than I can count.

THANK YOU QUEENIE for being my 3rd mentor - you really opened my eyes on how to run a family-owned business properly.

THANK YOU FRED KLEIN for being my mentor in worldly affairs.  It took me a few years to understand you, but you have NEVER given me bad advice.  I have always benefited from your counsel...though sometimes, it looked like the exact opposite!

THANK YOU SCOTT BLOOM for inviting me to my 1st lunch in the Frank Sinatra dining room, and for inviting me to become a Friar.
It took me 3 years to develop the courage, and maturity, to become a Friar, and now, I'll be a friar for life!

THANK YOU JASON GREENBERG for co-sponsoring me into the Friars (along with Scott)

THANK YOU JOEL SCHNUR - though you are no longer in Gotham, you truly DID save my daughter's life and her future...and that would NOT have happened without Gotham

THANK YOU KELLY WELLES for your kind heart, amazing Turkish food and wisdom when I need it.

THANK YOU ALAN & RIVA SCHWARTZ for inviting me into your office, and really sharing of yourselves with me.  Seeing you two work & play together showed me a better path for my company.

THANK YOU ESTER HOROWITZ for taking me under your wing.

THANK YOU TOM GALLIN for being a friend, client and a fellow friar.

THANK YOU DARRIN IACOBELLI - you opened an amazing door for me with LIACFE.

THANK YOU LISA WATERMAN for being so generous with your time, advice and connections.

THANK YOU TO MY 2012 CIRCUIT RIDING POSSE - Liz, Erin, David - riding the circuit with you changed my life for the better. Knowing you made it richer, and as the attached photo shows, not only are we GOOD LOOKING RED HEADS, we are AWARD WINNING REDHEADS!!
(p.s. little did I know that our drunken bet would lead to PERMANENT ORANGE HAIR, a new LOOK, SPEAKING in 5 countries, countless TV appearances, and an unforgettable impression!)

THANK YOU CRAWLS & AM - you know why, and less said publicly, the better :)

THANK YOU to my wife Sharon and our daughters for enabling and encouraging me to attend meetings, even when I didn't want to.
THANK YOU TO MY TEAM AT BRAINLINK - you guys & girls do the heavy lifting while I get the awards.

To my mentors in Gotham, friends, wife and staff, I am fully aware that the award is mine in NAME ONLY.  YOU EARNED IT, YOU DESERVE IT and I'm just the figurehead.

I am honored, humbled and grateful for the HUGE DIFFERENCE Gotham has made in my life.

Thank you for a wonderful night and a memory I will cherish for a lifetime.

If anyone wants to know if GOTHAM WORKS, just send them my way.

P.S. I'm looking to UP MY GAME IN GOTHAM IN 2016 - who wants to ride the posse with me?  I promise you, it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!


Rajesh Goel, CISSP
cell (917) 685-7731
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc.
You run your business, and leave the IT to us.
raj at brainlink.com<mailto:raj at brainlink.com>
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Rajgoel_NY
SKYPE: brainlink-raj

Author of
"UNPLUGGED Luddite's Guide To CyberSecurity: What To Teach Your Kids & Grandparents BEFORE They Access The Internet"
"The Most Important Secrets To Getting Great Results From IT"

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