[Fredslist] Looking for Businesses that Hire People with Special Needs, Autism or Other Challenges

Victoria Roberts Drogin victoria.roberts.drogin at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 14:13:26 EDT 2016

Dear Tribe,

I am forwarding the email below from Paul Napolitano's son (and my stepson), Derek Napolitano.  He is an amazing young man, dedicated to using his business education to make the world better for those with Autism and other special needs and challenges. We are so proud of him and so grateful for Gotham's continuing support.  

Thank you so much,

* * * * *

Hello All,

First off, I appreciate any and all of you who take the time to read this. As a young professional, it means a great deal to have the eyes and ears of accomplished adults. I hope each and every person who reads even this introduction, truly knows how much your attention inspires people who are in my shoes.

I'm Derek Napolitano, finance major in the Mercy College Business Honors program. I have a passion for business and a desire to succeed professionally. Right now, I am a rising sophomore, and last year my fellow students and I created a student business named Be Ready. It began as an assignment to create a profitable business while implementing a social good. We decided to focus on a prevalent issue in society and our personal lives and try to make it better.

Autism is a condition that effects the mind, impacting the way a person may interact and operate in daily life. The rate of autism has increased dramatically in the past 15 years. It can be difficult for  people with autism to enter the work force. Be Ready partnered with a company by the name of Luv Michael, founded by a young man with autism, which produces nut and gluten free, organic granola. (It's also incredibly tasty!) The special thing about Luv Michael isn't the granola, but rather the employees. Luv Michael hires only people with autism to work in their kitchen; sending a message while  providing a job that pays. In many cases, this is an employee's first job. Be Ready helped Luv Michael expand their business by increasing sales and helping market their product. The impact was true and rewarding, and I could not have been happier with the result.

If you would like to hear about our amazing year (which included advancing to the Nationals in the  Enactus business competition), I would be more than happy to talk about it with you, however, the purpose of this note is to ask a simple favor.

As a rising sophomore, I must take the Be Ready business to new heights. I am looking for more businesses like Luv Michael, for example, that share our goal of employing not only people with autism, but many communities of people with challenges of different types. If you or any of your colleagues, friends or family have a business that can benefit from a partnership with Be Ready, I would be grateful to hear from you and support you. We are college students, albeit wildly determined and talented ones, and I am very proud of the work we have done and will continue to do.

Thank you for your time, it was a pleasure spreading the Be Ready message! We are hoping to help. Please contact me directly with any comments or inquiries. 


Derek Napolitano
Mercy College 
Business Honors Program 
(516) 606-1950
dnapolitano1 at mercymavericks.edu

* * * * *

Victoria Roberts Drogin, Esq. 
Mercy College School of Business
Executive Director
Women's Leadership Institute 
Professor of Organizational Leadership 

Vrobertsdrogin at mercy.edu
Victoria.Roberts.Drogin at gmail.com

Executive, Leadership and Professional Coaching
Your Thinking, Your Business,Your Life. 
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