[Fredslist] Make a Difference TODAY - You made a Difference Last Week

Susan Zinder szinder at zinderlaw.com
Tue Nov 29 14:12:34 EST 2016

So... Friday was Black Friday, yesterday was Cyber Monday and today is "Giving Tuesday".

I know how generous Gotham members are!  During the past week you have enabled the GoFundMe page set up to support our own Claudia Hernandez to meet it's $10,000 goal.  WOW!  You are amazing.

Today you need to be amazing again, and I won't even know. You have your cause, you have your causes.  They support women and men.  Seniors and Children.  The arts and health.  They lean politically right.  They lean politically left.  They are religious and secular.  They support education and the environment. Whatever cause speaks to you, support it. Support it today.  There are lots of opportunities where people and corporations are doubling donations made today to the causes we love.  Support them.  And keep doing it through the rest of the year!

This time, I won't know what you did - that's fine.  But if you want to share information about your cause - PLEASE DO by riding the circuit to Monday's meeting of Gotham's Make a Difference Group and letting us know!  When you tell us about your cause we will learn about what is important to you, what you do and how you present to people (including clients).  We will learn that you are trustworthy, intelligent and committed to helping others including your clients (or for a few of you, not. ;) )  All you have to do is go to http://www.gothamnetworking.com/m/events/view/Make-a-Difference-Meeting-2016-01-02-3, Pay as a Guest and then ride the circuit to Monday's MAD meeting (lunch at 12:30 pm at the Friar's Club).

So... you Made a Difference last week, you're Making a Difference today, plan on joining Making a Difference on Monday.  In other words - GO MAD!

See you then


Susan Zinder

Law Office of Susan F. Zinder, PLLC.
1140 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
New York, New York 10036
(o) 646-380-6715
(c) 917-370-3369
szinder at zinderlaw.com<mailto:szinder at zinderlaw.com>

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