[Fredslist] Support the 100 Black Men of Stamford on Fairfield County Giving Day!

Curt Battles ccbattles at newcanaanadvisors.com
Thu Mar 10 13:27:26 EST 2016

Dear Gotham Members;

I need your help in  supporting the 100 Black Men of Stamford (100 BMOS)
today on Fairfield County Giving Day (www.fcgives.org
&id=038f51b133&e=26acd0707d> ).  Giving Day, hosted by Fairfield County¹s
Community Foundation, is a powerful 24 hour online event to ³Give Where You
Live² and celebrate the work of local nonprofits.  Last year, over 13,000
people participated!
Beyond my professionals pursuits,  I am the President of this local chapter
of an internationally renowned organization (100 Black Men of America) of
over 3,500 executives and professionals.  The Stamford branch was
established in May 1993. Through partnering with private and public sector
resources, the 100 has equipped youth with the academic and life skills to
pursue post-secondary education. Furthermore, we help to facilitate that
pursuit with the annual award of merit scholarships to two and four-year
institutions of higher learning.

Our organization, under the banner of ³Mentoring the 100 Way², focuses on
four key pillars (mentoring, education, health & wellness and economic
empowerment) as the vehicles for establishing the foundation for long-term
academic and life success for our mentees and their families..  Through
participation in our various local initiatives¹ students discover exciting
career possibilities while learning that they can make a positive
contribution to society.  Our programs seek to assist local minority youth
in enhancing their sense of self-worth and pride, which will be critical in
overcoming the many social barriers that challenge them.

With your support, we will raise $2,500 and further expand awareness of the
100 BMOS among donors across Fairfield County.  Your contributions will
support numerous community service programs that include youth tennis, lego
robotics, youth golf, our annual college fair, college scholarships and
ongoing mentorship programs among other initiatives.  Please visit
7&id=cc856eeffa&e=26acd0707d>  to learn more about these services.

We invite you to be a part of this fun and exciting event. Not only will
your gift help us reach our goal, but it may qualify us to win additional
grant prizes. Gifts of any size can make a HUGE difference.

Contribute anytime up until midnight by clicking below or copying this link
to your browser:

Thanks in advance for your help!

All the best,

Curtis C. Battles
100 Black Men of Stamford, Inc.
P. O. Box 1313/Stamford, Connecticut 06904
Voice ­ 203.918.7780/E-mail - ccbattles at optonline.net

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