[Fredslist] What to do about harassment?

Phyllis Dubrow pdubrow at pipeline.com
Tue Jul 12 20:12:52 EDT 2016

Dear Gotham,


A friend in Manhattan gets harassing voicemail messages from a stepson (who
likely is mentally unstable).  She and her husband supported him for years,
but now they're on fixed incomes and just can't afford to any longer.  He's
asking for money and makes veiled threats of embarrassing her publicly,
suggesting that she's turned her husband against him.  There haven't been
threats of violence, but she's a bit un-nerved.  Her husband is frail and
can't intervene.  Nobody wants the fellow to go to jail.  


She's asked me what to do.  


Can anybody help, or suggest who might know?  


Thanks again, dear Gotham.


Phyllis E. Dubrow | Attorney at Law

60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600 | New York NY  10165

T: (212) 661-2885 | F: (212) 409-8682 | E: pdubrow at pipeline.com


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