[Fredslist] Need family law / social worker / mental health assistance in CT

Victoria Roberts Drogin victoria.roberts.drogin at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 21:10:29 EDT 2016

Dear Gotham,

I have a client who needs assistance in Connecticut. She has an 18-year-old daughter who has undiagnosed mental illness, probably bipolar disorder which runs in the family. She is becoming increasingly difficult and verbally abusive to her mother. I am not sure if my client  needs a social worker or a family lawyer, but she is a single mother (with a younger son) and she needs to understand her options. She has been told that she cannot commit her daughter or make her go to a program or therapy as she is over 18 and unwilling.

Even if not in Connecticut, does anyone have expertise in advising families in crisis? My client needs strategic assistance as to how to deal with her daughter whom she loves very much. She is at a breaking point. 

Does anyone know any body who might help or advise her? 


Victoria Roberts Drogin, Esq. 
Mercy College School of Business
Executive Director
Women's Leadership Institute 
Professor of Organizational Leadership 

Vrobertsdrogin at mercy.edu
Victoria.Roberts.Drogin at gmail.com

Executive, Leadership and Professional Coaching
Your Thinking, Your Business,Your Life. 
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