[Fredslist] A game changing Book on networking by a Gotham friend

Zeldes, Michael Michael.Zeldes at hubinternational.com
Sun Jan 10 16:05:29 EST 2016

Fellow Gothamites,
Jack Killion is an extraordinary man. He literally lives the Gotham mantra "better to give than to receive but what goes around comes around" every day of his life. I strongly recommend reading Jack's recently published book... Network all the time, Everywhere with Everybody: Master your Life and Career.  It will help you develop more business but perhaps more importantly will enrich your life in multiple ways. Link to Amazon listing below:

[https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/415yQSLroEL._AA210_.jpg]<https://www.amazon.com/dp/0996671706/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_c_2gSKwbTZ1Q1K2>        Network: All the Time, Everywhere With Everybody: Master Your Life & Career<https://www.amazon.com/dp/0996671706/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_c_2gSKwbTZ1Q1K2>
Eagle Rock Partners

Sent using Amazon Mobile for iPad <https://www.amazon.com/ipad_app>

Michael Zeldes
Senior Vice President
Hub International Northeast
P 212-338-2353

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