[Fredslist] Most Ordinary Americans in 2016 Are Richer Than Was John D. Rockefeller in 1916 - Cafe Hayek

Raj Goel raj at brainlink.com
Fri Feb 26 16:27:26 EST 2016



This is an EXCELLENT article worth reading.

Quick read, and puts our modern conveniences in historical perspective.

Every one of us reading this, is FAR RICHER than any emperor in history at least upto 100 years ago.


Rajesh Goel, CISSP
cell (917) 685-7731
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc.
raj at brainlink.com<mailto:raj at brainlink.com>
You run your business, and leave the IT to us.

Author of "The Most Important Secrets To Getting Great Results From IT"
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