[Fredslist] Will you join us on April 20th for evening of nutritional education?

christine.finocchio at ubs.com christine.finocchio at ubs.com
Thu Apr 7 17:22:23 EDT 2016

Hello All,

Please join us for an evening of cocktails and information.  This is a free event, please bring all who are interested.  RSVP required.

Christine Finocchio

Join Ron Stair and others for an evening of education debunking the myths and leaning the facts on nutrition at the Hamlet on April 20th

You're invited to join Ron Stair's

The Most Common Nutrition and Fitness Myth

Seminar at The Hamlet
April 20th
6 pm till 8 pm


1 Club House Drive Commack, NY 11725

Meet Nutritional Expert Lisa Kaplan of New Leaf, LLC

Lisa Kaplan<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001m-EUxA7RhHDu8ZNTyHGk2QnEH1k8tCj1wwXobIRctNkyZ5ECY0ddyby2hc0WJnu4Rq62fb2FigsbkmCDW8172EPPNMQihtyMmgsHp9ikx6JrX-xUIgmPkWYgdAev_UqnicrLmhVQ17F5W3u44pAdm8brz47-LtiNowmbWITWJwtYWOz25Arn5U_nLoP-oji_eKCzH0mgg1v2-VX0CAgdSw==&c=RNiRD9Wk3nlT7YvQuQE6KgxZF2n7ln5YqKEqmJa6fTez_0B3sbp-Mw==&ch=rKSN3rtkRKlV4yR2wlAJv1BoSW6Ko3dRz1_ffvpN6LNeWeeQ2-tqmA==> is a nutrition counselor, who has been studying nutrition since 1984 with an unrelenting passion. Lisa comes to your home and teaches you to shop for and prepare nutritionally balanced, simple meals and provides a personal, customized nutrition plan for a better quality of life at any age.

Lisa lectures to communities throughout the Tri-State area on her holistic approach to proper eating which incorporates behavioral, emotional and dependency issues, the road blocks and challenges that often prevent success.

Lisa believes that what you put into your body is indicative of your physical and emotional quality of life and that eating the right foods while avoiding the wrong foods will not only help your physical appearance but can bolster your body's defense against disease, improve moods and self-esteem and slow the aging process. She believes that food is the fuel that gives you your energy to carry out life's daily functions and by simply feeding your body, nutrient dense, natural foods, in lieu of refined, processed, unhealthy foods such as saturated fats and refined sugars, will have profound effects on your health and well- being.

Her non-dieting approach emphasizes delicious unprocessed whole foods that enable people of all ages to achieve their weight, energy and health goals and will teach life changing strategies for long term results.

RSVP with Almasi Howard
call (516) 742-6123 ext. 230
or click below

RSVP HERE<mailto:ahoward at cpdltd.com>

Creative Plan Designs, Ltd., 90 Merrick Avenue, Suite 102, East Meadow, NY 11554

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