[Fredslist] Wondering ...

Dana Charlton DCharlton at kleinzelman.com
Thu Apr 7 11:32:55 EDT 2016


This is not to ask legal advice, but to ask a question.  Here is the picture:

A man is convicted by a jury on 3 counts of sexual assault on a child, but doesn't have bail money, so he is jailed until his sentencing.  After being sentenced to 10, 10 and 5 years, he meets bail and is out while his lawyer appeals.  Can the lawyer be appealing his conviction at this point, or only the sentencing, or am I asking a question that is too specific?  Thank you very much.

Dana Charlton

Dana Charlton
Klein Zelman Rothermel Jacobs & Schess LLP 
Gotham City Networking, Inc.
485 Madison Avenue, Suite 1301
New York, NY 10022
Tel:  (212) 935-6020, ext. 250
Fax:  (212) 753-8101
email:  dcharlton at kleinzelman.com

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