[Fredslist] I need help in saving a life-Westchester County

Jack Halpern jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
Fri Sep 25 11:37:22 EDT 2015

Dear All:

A facility in Hawthorne Crestview Assisted Living Facility on, NY is
attempting to evict a mentally ill resident after 19 years of residence,
for some very minor infractions. They are threatening to use a city
marshall to dump him into a homeless shelter on October 1, 2015.

State and Federal regulations require that although a judge has agreed to
his eviction that the facility find him a facility that can meet their
needs. They have refused to do this. I am not having much luck with the
Department of Health as far as enforcement of this regulation.

I need some Gotham Magic. I need connections to:

1. A high-level connection at the Department of Health preferably Sally
Dreslin, Executive Deputy Commissioner, or someone in the Westchester
Regional Office of DOH.

2. High level contact at any Westchester advocate for the mentally ill.

3. Any political leader in Westchester County.

4. Contact at Marshalls Office in Westchester

5. A contact in Adult Protective Services in Westchester County

6. A Gotham Attorney who can advise me on dealing with the Marshalls
Office, and what are rights are.

7. A contact at any Westchester newspaper.

8. Anyone who knows Azzy Reckess, the owner of Crestview Assisted Living

I have been protecting my client for 4 years Pro Bono. Anyone at Gotham who
helps in any way will be recognized on the My Elder Advocate Blog as a true
elder advocate.

Judaism teaches us that if you save one life, it's as you have saved the
whole world. Thank you.

Warm wishes,


* Jack Halpern, CEO*

* My Elder Advocate LLC ™*

 511 Avenue Of The Americas #241G

 New York, NY 10011-8436


 *jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com* <jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com>


* www.myelderadvocateLTCI.net <http://www.myelderadvocateLTCI.net>*

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent

 about things that matter to us."

                                        - Martin Luther King Jr.
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