[Fredslist] Research Connection

Tom Gallin tomg at gallin.com
Thu Sep 3 07:50:46 EDT 2015

Hi All,
I recently meet a person who works for the French-American Chamber of Commerce.  Her job is to connect French business with American companies/advisors that can help them get established here in the US.  She has unique request - a French professor is looking to team up with a NYC institution (University, Hospital, or Consulting agency) interested in collaborating on a project to study IT and Healthcare.  She is funded so it is not a money issues, it is just for research.  So does anyone know of a high level administrator at one of NYC's universities, hospitals or consulting companies that might be interested in teaming up this?

As always, thanks for your help.
Tom Gallin

Over 127 Years of Construction Excellence
102 Madison Avenue - 9th Floor
New York, NY  10016
(Office) 212-252-8900

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