[Fredslist] Need some business help - advice

Joshua Zinder jzinder at joshuazinder.com
Fri May 22 09:57:19 EDT 2015

I am looking to bring on a new partner and I am trying to figure out how to value my sweat equity for my first five years and how to value risk, as I am the only licenses professional among the partners so I carry all of the risk on my license, the firm pays for the insurance but I still carry the risk what is the value of that?  The partner wants the same salary as I make and so the only difference would be our % ownership where I own 70% and the other partners only 30% (it is NJ law that a non-licensed people can own no more than 30%).

So how do I value Risk? In a salary?

How do you value sweat equity?

Any and all comments welcome please!!!



Joshua Zinder, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB
2013 NJ AIA Architect of the Year

AIA-NJ Firm of the Year 2014
20 Nassau Street, Suite 25
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
T:609.924.5004 F:609.924.5008

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