[Fredslist] The Theresa Foundation Honors Fred Klein

Lisa Waterman WATERMAN at israeloff.com
Sun May 3 15:33:25 EDT 2015

It was wonderful to see so many Gotham friends come out to celebrate Friday night as the Theresa Foundation honored Fred Klein. 100 strong paid tribute to our fearless leader who was recognized for the contributions he makes to the community. Fred is the embodiment of our mantra "it's better to give than receive, but what goes around comes around." 

Susan and Vincent Russo are amazing people who have turned the tragedy of losing a child into a beautiful tribute to her memory. The Theresa Foundation helps special needs children and their families each and every day.

Fred said the award and evening was all about the human spirit. And it truly was. Gothamites stepped up to honor Fred and support fellow Gothamite Vincent Russo by taking journal ads, donating raffle and auction items, making donations and attending the event. It was sincerely appreciated. For those that were unable to attend and still would like to do something in Fred's honor, you can do so by visiting the website at www.theresafoundation.org.

Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon!

Lisa B. Waterman
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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