[Fredslist] Young Marine needs Aeronautic Contacts/Employment- Please Help

Phyllis Newbert panewbert at theheartsaver.com
Sat Mar 28 21:14:52 EDT 2015

Attached is the resume of an amazing young man, my daughter's long time
boyfriend, who served our country and saw battle in Afghanistan.  We are
thrilled to have him home and he is now seeking employment in the field of
aeronautics.  He would like to continue civilian life in the field he loves
best and in which he has extensive experience.

Mario is very bright, personable, caring and has an excellent work ethic.
I hope that Gotham will be able to help in some way.

Thank you,


*Phyllis Anne Newbert*
Vice President
The Heart Saver Institute

panewbert at theheartsaver.com
Office: 516.333.3738
Cell # 516.318.3123
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