[Fredslist] Career change guidance for an impressive young man

Harlan Abeshouse habeshouse at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 14:36:42 EDT 2015

Hello Gotham,

One of my closest friends, Shane Wilson, is looking for a career change. Shane is a 2014 graduate of Colgate University and an incredibly smart, well spoken, and multi-talented person. I very much look forward to the day Shane and I can go into business together, but until then, I'm hoping Gotham can conjure up something that will not only  challenge Shane and bring out the best in him, but also provide fantastic returns for anybody that will work with him in the future. 

I have attached his email to me and his resume below. Feel free to contact him directly or myself if you prefer. 

Harlan Abeshouse


Hi Harlan,

I wanted to follow up our conversation concerning my career interests and the connections you may have in your network.

At this moment I'm looking to transition from my inside sales role at Meltwater News seeking a job in the news, music, and television industry.  My goal is to get some hands-on relevant experience learning how to take a story or idea from concept phase to valuable, consumable media. My ultimate career goal is to be a news correspondent/journalist or a recording artist/producer, and as it stands I want to get some hands on experience "paying my dues."

This may be vague (and if it sounds like I'm still "figuring it out" it's because I am), but the positions I've been researching have included Production Assistant at major cable and news networks, Editing Assistant/writer for some online news/special interest publications, and jobs that support the recording and performance of music.  

I would love to connect with anyone you may know that could help out or even just make themselves available for a conversation to add color to my career search.   I've attached my resume/LinkedIn for any who may be interested.

Thanks for the help,

(908) 642-6469
swilson at colgate.edu

Shane Wilson

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