[Fredslist] college admissions counselor reccomendation

Monica kaufman avivameriam at outlook.com
Mon Jun 15 15:34:12 EDT 2015

Hey…. I could really use some Gotham Magic…

My son Nate will enter 12th grade this fall, and unfortunately his small school program just lost their very experienced guidance counselor. Because there are a lot of things he needs to do now and early into the semester, we don’t feel comfortable waiting for whoever they hire to get his/her feet solid on the ground. 

 We would like to hire a professional with a good track record and are willing to work long distance with the right person.  We would really like someone to guide him based on a realistic view of his chances and help him frame his essay and all the stuff that goes into these applications effectively and honestly.  We want him to find the best fit for him for his success.

If anyone knows a great person, please send me an email: Avivameriam at outlook.com


Monica Kaufman

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