[Fredslist] Please donate to my classroom

Simone Ousset simone at pdyprocess.com
Wed Jun 3 11:11:50 EDT 2015

Good morning Tribe,

I am trying to raise money to create a new dance classroom at the high
school in which I work in the Bronx. I am both the Dance Supervisor and
Dean of Discipline for Westchester Square Academy, and I have been asked
to create a brand new 10 course dance curriculum in order for my student's
to receive a New York State Advanced Regents Diploma with an arts

Currently, I have a project on DonorsChoose.org which will supplement the
school's equipment and textbook costs. For the next 6 days, DonorsChoose
will match ANY donation made for my project. If you have the time and the
funds, I would really appreciate a donation. Even $1 will help (because
really it will be $2 when DonorsChoose matches it). Please do not feel
obligated to donate.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to donate within the next seven days, be sure to
enter the code SPARK. DonorsChoose will only match dollar for dollar if
the code SPARK is entered.

The link to the project is: http://www.donorschoose.org/Ms.Ousset

Thank you in advance for donating! Also, if you know of someone who might
be interested in donating, please feel free to forward this email. There
are thousands of teachers all over the country on this site, so it might
be cool to check out what teachers in your area need. Even the smallest
bit helps!

Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Simone Ousset

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