[Fredslist] Corey Bearak Knows

Tom Gallin tomg at gallin.com
Wed Jul 8 14:47:39 EDT 2015

As a pillar of Gotham, Corey knows how to share his vast knowledge on many topics.  One way he shares this knowledge with the world (at least NYC) is with the wonderful book that has just been published.  The book is called The Public Ought to Know.  It is  a great retrospective of the articles he has written over the years about NYC politics.  Anyone who is even the slightly bit infested on how the city government works should read this book.  You can find it on Kindle, Nook and Apple Devices.

Tom Gallin

Over 127 Years of Construction Excellence
102 Madison Avenue - 9th Floor
New York, NY  10016
(Office) 212-252-8900

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