[Fredslist] Charles Goulding speaks at GOtham Green providing the tricks of the trade about how to get the most out of potential tax credits and utility rebates

Sherry Rivera sherryrivera1 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 13:47:53 EST 2015

We have all heard about rebates and tax incentives to defray the cost of
building upgrades, and retrofits.  Understanding just what is involved can
be elusive.  How much government tax rebate will you actually get?  That
along with utility rebates pay some of it but what will it cost in
reality?  What upgrades will get you the best rebates?  The only way to
make a decision is to understand what is involved.

*Charles Goulding speaks at the next meeting of GOtham Green providing the
tricks of the trade about how to get the most out of potential tax credits
and utility rebates for business and commercial real estate?*

*We welcome Accountants, Attorneys, Real Estate Brokers and owners and
others who represent the financial interest of others as well.  *

Get a better understanding, help your clients reduce their operating
expenses and increase the value of their property.  Of course for some
owners it is a matter of meeting the new Laws and Codes.
Come and see what all the talk is about once and for all.

*GOtham Green is a networking group that fosters business relationships
between those involved in the Energy/Sustainable space with the goal of
promoting business between us and to generally help us increase our reach
and develop new business opportunities.  We are an Open group meaning all
are welcome.*

*Join us, February 19 at the renowned Friars Club 57 East 55th Street in
Manhattan 12:15-2:00 p.m.  Meet new connections in your area that you can
work with.  *

*Use this
link: https://gothamnetworking.isecuresites.com/group/GOtham-GREEN/1839
<https://gothamnetworking.isecuresites.com/group/GOtham-GREEN/1839>  to
RSVP or contact Gotham Green Group Coordinator (“GC”) Sherry Rivera
at sherry at sherryrivera1@gmail.com <sherry at envirron.com> for additional

Future Gotham Green Meetings:
April 22
September 3 (dinner)
December 3

*Sherry Rivera*
LEED Green Associate
NYC and NY State WBE Certified
*UVC Technology*
*Supplier of Commercial & Industrial Building & Maintenance Materials*

*Indoor Air Quality, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability*
*Financing for Commercial Real Estate and Green projects*

100 North Village Avenue Suite 21
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
516 458-5384 Mobile
516 594-1400 Office
sherryrivera1 at gmail.com

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