[Fredslist] Photos from the Bob Formica Annual Golf Outing

Brett Deutsch brett at deutschphoto.com
Mon Aug 24 06:55:14 EDT 2015

Last week, I was honored again to photograph Gotham's incredible annual golf
outing.  The weather was perfect, and the entire golf committee deserves
praise for organizing a tremendous day.


Whether you were there and want to relive the day, or if you couldn't be
there but are curious about all the fun you missed, check out the photos
from golf through dinner & dessert at
http://www.deutschphoto.com/view-photos/gotham-golf-2015/ (there are nearly
400 photos, but you can scroll through the thumbnails very fast looking for
faces and golf swings you recognize).  


If you want high-resolution digital copies of any of the pictures, email me
at brett at deutschphoto.com <mailto:brett at deutschphoto.com> .  Just let me
know the last 3 digits of the image numbers of all the pictures you want
(the image number is in the caption when you view the photo full-size).





Brett Deutsch



Deutsch Photography LLC
Brett Deutsch :: Photographer
Tel 212.810.2148
 <http://www.deutschphoto.com/> www.deutschphoto.com




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