[Fredslist] Fw: apartments

stevem671 at aol.com stevem671 at aol.com
Tue Aug 11 17:16:43 EDT 2015

A friend's son and girl friend are looking for a new apartment in Brooklyn. I know him
 He is very responsible and has a good job. He would be a great tenant. See message below from his Father.



Stephen Michel 
671 President Street 
Brooklyn, NY 11215
SteveM671 at aol.com
  Original Message  
From: Leonard Sussman <lsuss410 at pipeline.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 5:02 PM
Subject: apartments


My son, Raphael and his girlfriend are looking for an apartment. Right now they live in Crown Heights, which they like. They have three roommates and they’re not liking that so much.

They’re looking for a 1 or 2 bedroom place and can pay around $1500 for a one bedroom and $2500 for a two bedroom (in which case they would have one roommate).

If you know/hear of anything let me know through this Sunday. After that, contact Raphael directly: raphael.popesussman at gmail.com

BTW, he’s almost 28 and is extremely responsible in case you don’t know him.



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