[Fredslist] Employed! Gotham Magic Works!!!

Keith Crosby keith-crosby at charter.net
Fri Apr 17 13:16:01 EDT 2015

Thank you to all that helped me when I reached out for Gotham Magic in
getting a job.  After spending all of January, February and March looking
for a job without much success I posted to Fredslist in late March asking
for some Gotham Magic.  I received numerous responses for help that included
assistance with my resume and people connecting me with possible employers.
Ruth Domber connected me with AJS Project Management and today I accepted
their employment offer and I start work on Monday!  Gotham did for me in 3
weeks what I could not do in 3 months!  


The Gotham motto "it is better to give than receive, but what comes around
goes around" could not ring any truer in my situation! I simply would not
have a job without Gotham Networking, when I became unemployed I emailed
Gotham to let them know that I could not afford to renew my dues and Fred
graciously offered to "comp" a virtual membership for me.  Because of Fred's
generosity I was able to post my request on Fredslist and due to that post
Ruth Domber connected me to my new employer.  Since I joined Gotham 2+ years
ago I have offered my assistance to others whenever I could and now it has
come around.


Due too an issue with my email I cannot access my old emails to be able to
list all those who helped out so to all those out there that did help I
cannot thank you enough!  Fred, Ruth and all those others - thank you from
the bottom of my heart!  I am extremely excited about commencing my new job
in NYC on Monday, I look forward to riding the circuit over the next month
and finding a new Gotham Group to call my own.  


Keith Crosby

(203) 650-1450


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