[Fredslist] somethign to Tweet about: just a few days left to enter the Fourth Annual Gotham Film Festival

Steven Skyles-Mulligan steven at evokestrategies.com
Thu Sep 25 11:49:11 EDT 2014

Please help us make this year's event a success.  We've had some extraordinary submissions in prior years from both established filmmakers and amateurs.  Can you help us by sharing the Tweet below with your social networks?

Seeking very short films for festival (under 20/under 5). Cash prizes. October 1 deadline. http://www.enterthegothamfilmfestival.com<http://www.enterthegothamfilmfestival.com/>

Steven Skyles-Mulligan
Executive Director
Evoke Strategies
245 8th Avenue, #364
New York, NY 10011
LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenskylesmulligan
Author of Build Your Practice the Logical Way<http://apps.americanbar.org/abastore/index.cfm?section=main&fm=Product.AddToCart&pid=5310411>, published by First Chair Press/ABA, May 2012

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