[Fredslist] some help for an aspiring architect - Italian watercolors

Joshua Zinder jzinder at joshuazinder.com
Mon May 5 08:38:52 EDT 2014

One of my architecture students from NJIT, Eric Bieber, is looking for some help. Eric is one of the best students I have had, and he has also interned at times in my office.   He is has been offered a great opportunity in his acceptance to a study abroad program in Rome  and Sienna Italy.  He has been working additional jobs while still at school in order to take advantage of this opportunity.  One of his parents has Alzheimer's and the other has MS, as a result has been unable to get a loan from a bank or institution for the summer program.  Eric has overcome huge financial challenges to get through school and recognizes that in order to get something you want you have to be able to give something, and has already raised a portion of the funds he needs. So to that end he is going to be selling watercolors from his Italy trip for $100 each.  You can help Eric and end up with a wonderful piece of art for your home or office.

He will be a great architect one day, and could use some help to take advantage of this opportunity that has been presented to him.  Please reach out to him directly if you are interested. Eric Bieber ejb24 at njit.edu<mailto:ejb24 at njit.edu>

Anything you can do to help Eric would be most appreciated.


Joshua Zinder, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB

20 Nassau Street, Suite 25
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
T:609.924.5004 F:609.924.5008

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